musings from the ladies of a day in may events


top 9 things we can’t live without on event days

Event days are fast paced and a whirlwind of excitement leading up to the big celebration and evening festivities and over the years we have honed in our essentials for success! Being prepared for any situation that may arise during the set up and execution of the event is key but when it’s go time- it’s GO TIME! Here are the top 9 essentials we always have on hand for event days!


 1. Mophie Portable Cell Phone Chargers – with vendors coming and going, sometimes plans changing on the fly, staying connected is muy importante! Lish has been called “Thumbs of Fury” on event days so when the iPhone battery dwindles we always have backup chargers handy!


2. Breath Mints (who doesn’t love some good ol’ orange Tic Tacs?!) because, well, it’s important!


3. Sharpies…never leave home without one! These babies are perfect for making notes, labeling supplies and editing timelines on the go. We love the retractable ones so you never loose a cap or end up with black hands from grabbing the wrong end!


4. Timelines..aka our holy grail document that ensure the day runs smoothly and yes, we recycle as these puppies can get pretty lengthy!


5. Cute yet comfortable shoes like these from Clark’s are invaluable! Your feet are what carry you from situation to situation and sometimes running in heels is the only option!


6 & 7 – Handheld radios and headsets so the entire team can be in communication- we haven’t figured out teleportation but are working on it! And these adorable aprons to stash our knick knacks like our Mophie’s, Sharpies, timelines and such- thanks Jen Buehler-Shabbir for making them for us!!


8. Omaha, our 25′, 1971 Airstream Caravanner International, also known as “The Party Wagon” and Mobile HQ.  (We purchased her in Nebraska hence the name…). More to come about Ohmee- that’s her nickname, but we can’t imagine life without her!


9. And last, but certainly not least- Our Know How! We are professional problem solvers and the ability to get our Sherlock Holmes on is something we’re thankful we don’t  have to remember to pack 😉 Resourcefulness, ingenuity and common sense are worth their weight in gold on event days.