musings from the ladies of a day in may events


Shifting perspective

BLOG post 4-24-16

I’m in Maryville, Tennessee for a couple of days as a guest of RT Lodge on a fam trip with some new and old friends and wow is this place amazing! More to come on that later but, leaving TC yesterday quite early in the morning, afforded me the opportunity to take in a site that doesn’t happen to often- a sunrise. But it wasn’t just any sunrise, it was a sunrise from above the clouds. Sure, I’ve seen plenty of sunrises but not always from this point of view, literally.

Perspective. We all have it. But in our daily grind and hustle and bustle, we become so accustomed to just existing and moving into one moment from the next versus moving through moments. Think about that for a second- imagine playing attention to the movement itself vs. the action of completing it. It’s shifting your perspective that can make all the difference.

When working with new clients, we talk about our birds eye view and our macro view. Or looking big picture to zoom into the smaller picture. In our field, we must have the ability to zoom in and out of a scenario, while also looking 360 degrees on multiple axis around the subject. We must be able to make a clear and unbiased evaluation of something while simultaneously ensuring that our guidance (aka: consulting recommendation) protects and enhances the subject rather than taking away or negating it. Our vantage point is constantly changing based on the task at hand therefore we must remember to shift our perspective, or change the lens through which we are viewing the subject, depending on its relevancy.

So take off your glasses, wipe the smudges from them, even get your eyes checked as your prescription may be out of date, and change the lens that you see things through. Your feet may never leave the ground, but you just might be looking at that sunrise from above the clouds.